How Does Advertising help in Positioning? Updated 2021

Positioning refers to the place or position that a product occupies in the minds of the audience.  Positioning of a product also defines that how a certain product will be differentiated from the same product of its competitors. It defines how people will look at a product. It helps to create an image that will be uniquely associated with that product. The positioning of a product determined by advertisement is long-lasting. The positioning of a product has a major role in the decision of purchase of a product.

Advertisement can help to position a product by focusing on 4 Ps which are Product, Price, Place, Promotion. The first “P”, Product means that while filming or making an advertisement the focus should be on the product.

The salient features of the product and its benefit should be highlighted. As it can help to position the product in the thoughts of the target audience. The second “P”, Price states that no matter how much the product costs, the cost should be justified through advertisement. The advertisement should be designed in such a way that a customer may feel that it is the right price for the product. The third “P”, focuses on the Placement of the product.

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The placement of the product in an advertisement can leave a long-lasting impression on the minds of the audience. If the product is placed righty in the advertisement then it will leave an impression on the audience and the customer will be able to immediately point it from a heap of the same products. The last “P” stands for promotion. It states that the promotion of a product should be done in such a way that it makes the product stand out from other products.

Usually, the promotion of the product is done through advertisement in pakistan. A Promotion should be able to convince the audience to buy a product. It should be able to imprint an impression on the audience that it is the only product that can satisfy their needs. Rightly done promotion can help to position the product in higher ranks.

All these “Ps” can give a unique position to the product. This means that advertising plays a major role in the positioning of the product or services.


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