Why media research is important in advertising?

Why media research is important in advertising? Advertising research is a thorough investigation of a specific topic that results in a successful and profitable campaign. The subject of the topic may be market dynamics, client trends, competition or the success of an ad campaign. The goal is to gather information and then make an informed decision or initiative to either establish or improve a brand’s image, gain clients, take advantage of upcoming opportunities, or getting yourself familiar with the innovations in the industry.

Media research is primarily of two types,

Pre-testing advertising research is conducted to test the advertisements prior to the launch of the advertising campaign. It determines the key points on which the brand will be built. It considers consumer preferences, likes, and dislikes through public surveys, and determining the target audience’s reaction to the brand.

  • Post-testing Research:

Communication is always a two-way street. Only when feedback is received does a communication process conclude. One-way communication begins with the launch of the advertising campaign. However, in order to complete the process, feedback must be received. In order to gather feedback, a post-study is conducted following the launch of an advertisement in pakistan.

media research is important
Thoughtful serious young man student freelancer working studying on laptop computer looking at computer laptop focused on thinking solving online problem doing research at home office desk.

This research yielded the following benefits,

  • You get to study the viewership or to know the TRP. It helps the advertising agencies or advertisers to know the TRP and rating of programs which later boosts the sponsorship cycle.
  • Media Research helps in Formative or summative evaluation of various programs, movies, documentaries, or traditional media benefits researchers and producers by promoting a better understanding of the market and audience needs. It bridges the gap between the demand for and supply of available content.
  • It is also helpful in quantifying the impact of media on the audience or viewers
  • It compares the former media content with the running content to show the statistical differences between the contents.

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