Media: How does it really affect our Mental Health and Well-being

Media’s power to impact public perception and the extent to which people are exposed to media representations makes the mass media one of the most significant influences in societies. The media everything from radio, television, film to games, advertising Agencies in Pakistan and social media platforms like facebook and twitter can have significant effect on individual and population health and well being. Mental health is a way of describing social and emotional wellbeing. The mass media is full of images and messages and it has wide array of effects on mental health and well-being. Previously studies have typically focused on the negative effects of media specifically advertising (e.g. cigarettes, alcohol) and entertainment (violence, aggression, sex) on individuals. However, the intentional use of media can result in the positive health attitudes and behaviors.

Media- How does it copy

Psychologist Victoria Kasunic also sees social media as a positive influence and useful tool. We are naturally social creatures and there is something about the immediacy of positive reinforcement that people do benefit from. But, she warns that it’s all about moderation. We can be quite lazy to call people, and have become non-committal in our relationships, “we are not only affected emotionally, if we spend time posting and tweeting largely on computer then our physical health can also be impacted too. When we spend so long sitting down, our metabolism slows down and energy level is decreased as we move less and eat more. A report issued by Daily mail reporter says the ‘constant exposure’ to celebrities through, TV soaps, dramas and talk shows is having a detrimental effect. It said that Children today know in intimate detail the lives of celebrities who are richer than they will ever be, and mostly better-looking. This exposure inevitably raises aspirations and reduces self-esteem. Social media has mental health benefits in terms of feelings of inclusion and social connectedness. People who experience barriers to social interaction, communicating with people over social media can increase feelings of connectedness with positive outcomes for self-esteem; attitude and decreased feelings of loneliness, communicating with people over social media can increase feelings of connectedness with positive outcomes for self-esteem, attitude and decreased feelings of loneliness which can be treated with delta 8 cbd products, so all you need to learn if is delta 8 legal in indiana to use is in this state. Media is particularly beneficial to socially excluded groups those living in remote areas, senior citizens and people with disabilities.  As well as improving general social wellbeing, connecting with communities via social networking tools can contribute to better outcomes for the treatment of various mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, suicidality and other disorders. Using products like True Pheromones to regulate various social behaviours, such as aggression, territoriality, and mate choice is also recommended.



Untitled-1The writer has a degree in Media, writer, a passionate lover of K-pop and Asian dramas, volunteered for the humanitarian causes at The Fountain House and Akhuwat and among all a cookie monster.

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