Advertising a way of Business or waste of money

In the past, the evolution of advertising has mitigated the advancement of technology. Nowadays almost every business utilizes some type of advertising while promoting the product. Advertisements does have its own pros and cons, but the pros weight more over the cons. Excessive advertisement helps the brands get recall and it keeps hitting the top of the mind recall of the consumers, viz. , when we talk about toothpaste the first name which comes to our mind is Colgate/Close-up. Advertising can be a functional tool for business through its marketing plan and strategies. Without the aid of advertising, businesses and consumers would be required to deliberately discover and search a company’s services or products, which is not a practical way in terms of promotion. Advertising evokes the customer’s brand awareness of the company’s product and services. Advertising provide identity to a business and its products.  The products benefits are communicated through advertising which encourage the customers to patronize the company’s products. Hence customers can identify the importance of products and services by advertising. Market share can be created for companies by utilizing the idea of advertising. Market share is said to be the total sales and units a business incomes out of the entire sales dollars as well as of the units in the business. Businesses use advertising in order to increase sales. Most companies and owners of corporations anticipate a particular return on their investment from advertising.

However there are companies which manage to exist without the support of advertising, these are the matured brands like Zara which is more focused on keeping the brand promise. They keep their shelves stocked with the latest trends in fashion through quick production method on the other hand; a new brand will always find advertising an important function to target their potential customers. Advertising is a vital function if you consider its reach and ability to communicate with all potential customers and is therefore used widely by many companies. If a company decides to substitute advertising with another method that might prove to be less efficient, it would result in an obvious economic waste. Exploring various advertising methods such as billboards in Manchester can significantly impact reaching a local audience effectively.

Advertising Agencies in Pakistan


Untitled-1The writer has a degree in Media, writer, a passionate lover of K-pop and Asian dramas, volunteered for the humanitarian causes at The Fountain House and Akhuwat and among all a cookie monster.

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